Dalkeith Road Medical Practice


Contraception advice/prescriptions are available at the surgery.  Please make an appointment with the Doctor or Practice Nurse.

Cervical Smears are normally carried out by our Practice Nurse. If you have had problems with previous smears, please try to see a Doctor.

Health Promotion Prevention is better than cure…  We believe that Health Promotion is an important part of what we offer. This includes healthy eating, smoking cessation, exercise, stress management, etc.  You can receive general health advice from the Practice Nurse or Doctor.

The Occupational Therapist works closely with the Practice, and provides OT services and home assessments where required.

There is a Community Psychiatric Nurse who can be accessed via your GP.

Social Work services can be accessed via the surgery.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 11th March, 2015